The School Improvement Workshop Series
The School Improvement Workshop Series
Theme: Closing the Teacher Competency Gap
Day 1
- School Improvement: 21st Century living – Preparing our young people for – What, why and How???
- An overview of 21st century skills and how they can be factored into the school improvement plans.
- How to plan for improved curriculum knowledge, school and classroom standards and pedagogy.
- Taking greater responsibility for school improvement.
- Whole-school Leadership Development & Accountability.
- The relationship between effective middle leadership and school improvement.
- Practical ways in which schools can harness the potential of middle leaders and develop their capacity to work as a team.
- Explore how senior leaders can provide support and enable middle leaders to be as good as they can be.
- Teacher Competency and the challenge of the SDGs.
- Plenary
- Action planning – Sharing ideas for school improvement.
Day 2
- Mastery of the craft of teaching
- What makes great Pedagogy?
- Boosting Teachers’ Professional expertise.
- Tips for encouraging students to become independent learners.
- Developing Lesson Plans that promote deep knowledge and effective learning.
- Effective learning and Mental Health.
- The components of a mentally healthy school
- Group session – Overcoming barriers, generating solutions.
- Raising the bar and closing the gap.
- Identifying barriers
- What are your non-negotiables
- ‘Diagnose Intervene Test Assess’ Model (DITA)
The Workshops Offers
- Mastery of the craft of teaching
- What makes great Pedagogy?
- Boosting Teachers’ Professional expertise.
- Tips for encouraging students to become independent learners.
- Developing Lesson Plans that promote deep knowledge and effective learning.
- Effective learning and Mental Health.
- The components of a mentally healthy school
- Group session – Overcoming barriers, generating solutions.
- Raising the bar and closing the gap.
- Identifying barriers
- What are your non-negotiables
- ‘Diagnose Intervene Test Assess’ Model (DITA)
Who Should Attend?
- Headteachers and School proprietors
- Deputy headteachers
- Senior leadership team members
- Middle Leaders
- Education professionals and administrators
- Classroom teachers
- Education advisors
- Governors